Packaged Services

We offer bulk packages with multiple services, at a discounted price of what each service would be combined. These packages are good for a complete rejuvenation and revitalisation of different areas of your property.

Snow Removal Package: $60 per hour.

Includes: Roof snow removal, Driveway snow removal, Deck snow removal. (bring cement areas including sidewalks, free of ice, back down to the cement, while adding ice salt to the final product. And the supplies to do so.

Pressure Washing Package: $0.55 per square foot.

Includes: Fences, siding, driveways/cement areas and other specified areas if requested. And the supplies to do so.

Lawn Care Package: $50-$60 per hour.

Includes: Lawn mowing and whipper snipping, raking if necessary, and the baggage and disposal of bags if requested, and the supplies to do so.

Ultimate Lawn Care Package: $90 per hour.

Includes: Poop cleanup, leaf cleanup, lawn mowing, whipper snipping, and raking if necessary. Also cleanup and disposal of the bags, and the supplies to do so.